This file contains the differences between the originally used statemap.h and the delivered one changed by Bosch Security Systems. It was created by the following command: diff -b --normal statemap_original.h statemap.h 0a1,13 > /* > * Copyright BOSCH Security Systems - all rights reserved > * > * Authors: > * Michael Muckel > * > * $Revision: 1.3 $ > */ > > #ifdef _MSC_VER > #pragma warning(disable:4786) > #endif > 41c54 < // $ Id: statemap.h,v 1.1 2004/05/31 13:44:41 charlesr Exp --- > // Id: statemap.h,v 1.1 2004/05/31 13:44:41 charlesr Exp 47,59c60,63 < #if (__GNUC__ >= 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) < #include < #include < #include < #elif defined(WIN32) < #include < #include < #include < #else < #include < #include < #include < #endif --- > #include > > #include "Ut_DebugOutput.h" > #define TRACE Ut_DebugOutputC::Print 411c415 < _debug_stream(&std::cerr) --- > _debug_stream(&std::cout) 426c430 < FSMContext(const FSMContext& fsm) {}; --- > FSMContext(const FSMContext& /*fsm*/) {}; 665c669 < }; --- > } 667c671 < // $Log: statemap.h,v --- > // Log: statemap.h,v 675d678 <